Luffa is a cucurbit, meaning it belongs to the cucumber and zucchini family. It is a plant that can be eaten, but compared to its relative zucchini, it is more bitter, and not being very appetizing from a culinary point of view, it finds its main use in daily life and in cosmetics.

The fruit, as the name suggests, has a cylindrical shape, can be up to 30 cm long, and in summer is decorated with intense yellow blooms. If you want to obtain the sponge, you have to wait about 5 months for its complete maturation, that is until the skin turns from green to brown.
Then the skin is removed, first cutting the stalk and then removing the seeds and small impurities.
The seeds can be reused for possible planting, or in cosmetics.

A peculiar characteristic of Luffa Cylindrica is that the fruit is composed of 90% cellulose and 10% lignin, so it is easily degradable and consequently non-polluting.
It is a completely natural sponge that can be used both for body cleaning and for dishwashing.
On the face and body, it has an exfoliating effect and reactivates circulation; in the first case, it is good to use it in the form of discs, so that it can reach even the smallest areas of the face and be more delicate.

Here are our luffas, already dried, peeled, and processed.
But how long has this sponge been used?
It was women in 1941 who experimented with the use of this plant which, peeled and dried, provided an excellent sponge.
During the war, in fact, the art of making do and exploiting everything that today goes unnoticed and that nature provides prevailed. This is the case of the cylindrical Luffa.
Used as a sponge, it was perfect for exfoliating and cleansing the body even when soaps were not available.
And in Africa?
An esthetician, seeing the luffa sponge, was almost moved, it reminded her of how as a child she ran in fields full of dried luffas, left in the sun to complete the dehydration process, and how her grandmother worked these sponges to create little bags for her.
Well, sometimes the simplest discoveries that in the past led to great utility with little effort are forgotten only to be brought back to life today, when eco-sustainability, biodegradability, the fight against plastic, and everything that is difficult to dispose of and pollutes the environment is damaging the future.
The Luffa cylindrica for the experience of Lumea cosmetics is:
-a rediscovered old ally
-reusable for up to 3-4 months
-a natural ally for the skin
Choose Lumea for your body